全名為The Taiwan Merchants Association of Toronto

會長 李滄偉
President Spencer Lee

副會長 林煜森
VP Jason Lin

副會長 潘超慶
VP Daniel Pan

副會長 / 財務長 羅元宏
VP / Treasurer Jack Lo

秘書長 宋文中
SG Joe Song

理事 林麗娟
Director Lisa Lin

理事 / 榮譽會長 鄭秀貞
Director Grace Cheng

理事 楊佳潤
Director Andrew Yang

理事 謝欣容
Director Sarah Hsieh

理事 鄭秀明
Director Marlene Cheng

理事 張志平
Director Scottie Chang

理事 李宗修
Director Joseph Lee

理事 方瑞隆
Director Vincent Fang

監事長 / 榮譽會長 游宗熙
Chief Supervisor Timo Yu

監事 / 榮譽會長 黃麗美
Supervisor Marie Chang

監事 / 榮譽會長 鍾文權
Supervisor John Chung

榮譽會長 周怡華
Lisa Chung

榮譽會長 蔡垂俊
Ben Tsai

榮譽會長 黃麗美
Marie Chang

榮譽顧問 張焜築
KC Chang

榮譽顧問 王珠娥
Joanne Wang
青創會介紹 Introduction of YTMAT
Young Taiwan Merchants Association of Toronto (YTMAT) was founded in 2006 under the full support of Taiwan Merchants Association of Toronto (TMAT). It was founded to provide business professionals, entrepreneurs, owners, college graduates, and senior university students, aged from early 18 to mid 35, a chance to join an organization where they can access and effectively network with members of the Canadian business community.
The objective of YTMAT is for members to share information, establish networks, and strengthen friendships; with a focus on Entrepreneurship. YTMAT is dedicated to building a strong positive image for a group of young professionals and entrepreneurs whose endeavour is to reach professional and personal excellence. YTMAT will provide members with opportunities to obtain and develop skills needed to succeed on a personal and professional basis. These opportunities will include a series of events focused on specific skills and themes, as well as casual meetings to build relationships and friendships.
Possible Events include
• Luncheons
• Golf Tournament
• North American Junior Taiwanese Association event
• Workshops
• Networking meetings
• Scholarship (not an event)
• Learning opportunity
• Investment opportunity
• Life-long friendship with your peers
• Networking with local business community
• Promote your company and yourself
• Recruit for volunteers, CO-OP, or full-time positions
• Network with other participating professions during our events
• Network with other young professionals with other communities
貿易商機 Business Opportunities
Taiwan Trade Center, Toronto 多倫多台灣貿易中心
加拿大聯邦政府鼓勵投資無息貸款辦法請會員多加利用 !!
Investing in Business Innovation
Economic Development Initiative
For more information,
please call 1-866-593-5505 or visit www.feddevontario.gc.ca
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
101 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario
網站連結 Links
The Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of North America (TCCNA) 北美洲台灣商會聯合總會
World Taiwanese Chambers Of Commerce 世界台灣商會聯合總會
Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission 僑務委員會
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Toronto 駐多倫多辦事處
Taiwan Trade Center, Toronto 多倫多台灣貿易中心
Taiwan Services 台灣服務貿易商情網
聯繫我們 Contact Us
670 Highway 7 East, Unit 21,
Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B 3P2 Canada
Tel: 905-479-6068