晚會將於2024年6月15日,在多倫多北部的喜來登酒店(Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites) 盛大舉行!
您可在此購買餐票 請按此
如需購票服務或有任何問題需要解答,請致電905-479-6068或發送郵件至info@tma-toronto.ca 與我們聯繫。
多倫多台灣商會 敬上
To all members and friends of the Taiwan Merchants Associations of Toronto (TMAT):
We are thrilled to announce the date for one of Toronto’s most anticipated events – the annual “Toronto Night” Gala hosted by the Taiwan Merchants Associations of Toronto (TMAT)!
Date: June 15, 2024
Venue: Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites
This event brings together prominent figures from both local and international political and business spheres. It provides an excellent opportunity for members and friends of the chamber to network with Canadian and Taiwanese government officials, as well as outstanding businesses from both domestic and international arenas.
This year, we are pleased to offer over thirty exhibition spaces outside the event venue for businesses to promote themselves. Please note that space is limited, and priority will be given to businesses purchasing sponsorship packages or advertising space in the annual magazine on a first-come, first-served basis.
For detailed information about the gala, including sponsorship packages and advertising rates, please refer to the attached document.
Kindly send your inquiries and applications to the chamber’s secretariat at info@tma-toronto.ca.
Tickets can be purchased below:
***Warning: Purchase tickets only through our official website link to avoid scams and ensure authenticity. External sources may offer invalid tickets or inflated prices. Stay safe and secure your tickets directly through us.***
For ticket purchases or any further inquiries, please contact us at 905-479-6068 or via email at info@tma-toronto.ca.
We look forward to seeing you at the “Toronto Night” gala!
Taiwan Merchants Associations of Toronto(TMAT)